[R-pkg-team] Bug#1000339: r-cran-raster breaks r-cran-satellite autopkgtest: unable to find an inherited method for function 'extend'

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sun Nov 21 20:24:52 GMT 2021

Source: r-cran-raster, r-cran-satellite
Control: found -1 r-cran-raster/3.5-2-1
Control: found -1 r-cran-satellite/1.0.4-1
Severity: serious
Tags: sid bookworm
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
User: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
Usertags: breaks needs-update

Dear maintainer(s),

With a recent upload of r-cran-raster the autopkgtest of 
r-cran-satellite fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run with the 
binary packages of r-cran-raster from unstable. It passes when run with 
only packages from testing. In tabular form:

                        pass            fail
r-cran-raster          from testing    3.5-2-1
r-cran-satellite       from testing    1.0.4-1
all others             from testing    from testing

I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.

Currently this regression is blocking the migration of r-cran-raster to 
testing [1]. Due to the nature of this issue, I filed this bug report 
against both packages. Can you please investigate the situation and 
reassign the bug to the right package?

More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on


[1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=r-cran-raster


BEGIN TEST testthat.R

R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) -- "Bird Hippie"
Copyright (C) 2021 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> library(testthat)
> library(satellite)
Loading required package: raster
Loading required package: sp
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatCategories" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatCategories" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatDataFrame" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatDataFrame" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatExtent" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatExtent" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatMessages" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatMessages" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatOptions" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatOptions" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRaster" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRaster" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRasterCollection" was not checked 
for suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRasterCollection" was not checked 
for suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRasterStack" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatRasterStack" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatSRS" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatSRS" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatVector" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatVector" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatVectorCollection" was not checked 
for suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpatVectorCollection" was not checked 
for suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpExtent" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpExtent" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPoly" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPoly" was not checked for suspicious 
field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not available?)
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPolyPart" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPolyPart" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPolygons" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
code for methods in class "Rcpp_SpPolygons" was not checked for 
suspicious field assignments (recommended package 'codetools' not 
Warning messages:
1: multiple methods tables found for 'crop' 2: multiple methods tables 
found for 'extend' > > > ### functions to create test data sets -----
> ### Utility functions to quickly create test data sets for various sensors
> ### Florian Detsch, last modified on 2017-07-24
> tst_obj <- function(type = c("LC08", "LC8", "LE07", "LE7", "LT05")) {
+   if (type[1] == "LC08")
+     tst_obj_lc08()
+   else if (type[1] == "LC8")
+     tst_obj_lc8()
+   else if (type[1] == "LE07")
+     tst_obj_le07()
+   else if (type[1] == "LE7")
+     tst_obj_le7()
+   else if (type[1] == "LT05")
+     tst_obj_lt05()
+   else +     stop("Sensor test data not available, yet.\n")
+ }
> ### collection 1 level-1 -----
> ## landsat 8
> tst_obj_lc08 <- function() {
+   path <- system.file("extdata", package = "satellite")
+   files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LC08*.TIF"), full.names 
+   satellite(files)
+ }
> ## landsat 7
> tst_obj_le07 <- function() {
+   path <- system.file("extdata", package = "satellite")
+   files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LE07*.TIF"), full.names 
+   satellite(files)
+ }
> ## landsat 5
> tst_obj_lt05 <- function() {
+   path <- system.file("testdata/LT05", package = "satellite")
+   files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LT05*.TIF"), full.names 
+   satellite(files)
+ }
> ### precollection level-1 -----
> ## landsat 8
> tst_obj_lc8 <- function() {
+   path <- system.file("testdata/LC8", package = "satellite")
+   files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LC8*.TIF"), full.names 
+   satellite(files)
+ }
> ## landsat 7
> tst_obj_le7 <- function() {
+   path <- system.file("testdata/LE7", package = "satellite")
+   files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LE7*.TIF"), full.names 
+   satellite(files)
+ }
> ### perform tests -----
> test_check("satellite")
== Skipped tests 
* empty test (12)

== Failed tests 
-- Error (test-extend.R:9:1): (code run outside of `test_that()`) 
Error in `(function (classes, fdef, mtable) {
     methods <- .findInheritedMethods(classes, fdef, mtable)
     if (length(methods) == 1L)         return(methods[[1L]])
     else if (length(methods) == 0L) {
         cnames <- paste0("\"", vapply(classes, as.character, 
   ""), "\"", collapse = ", ")
         stop(gettextf("unable to find an inherited method for function 
%s for signature %s",             sQuote(fdef at generic), sQuote(cnames)), 
domain = NA)
     else stop("Internal error in finding inherited methods; didn't 
return a unique method",         domain = NA)
})(list(structure("Satellite", package = "satellite")), 
new("standardGeneric",     .Data = function (x, y, ...) 
standardGeneric("extend"), generic = structure("extend", package = 
"terra"),     package = "terra", group = list(), valueClass = 
character(0),     signature = c("x", "y"), default = NULL, skeleton = 
(function (x,         y, ...)     stop("invalid call in method dispatch 
to 'extend' (no default method)",         domain = NA))(x, y, ...)), 
<environment>)`: unable to find an inherited method for function 
'extend' for signature '"Satellite"'
  1. \-terra::extend(sat, ext_ggs) test-extend.R:9:0
  2.   \-(function (classes, fdef, mtable) ...

[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 12 | PASS 139 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
autopkgtest [20:13:13]: test run-unit-test

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