[R-pkg-team] Bug#991566: r-cran-bookdown is so old that it fails to even start

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Mon Apr 11 10:16:54 BST 2022

Control: tags -1 confirmed
Control: block -1 by 996965
> I reported this bug upstream, but they closed it saying that the bookdown package is ways too old to be of any use, and that I should install the package directly instead. They are right in some sense, but I'd prefer to use the Debian packages if possible.
> https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown-demo/issues/67
> Could you please update the package? I'm tagging the bug as grave since the package seems unusable as is.

We would love to fix this bug but unfortunately it depends
from r-cran-bslib (#996965) which is extremely hard to
package due to usage lots of fonts which are hard to find
the source for and different versions of bootstrap.js.

Any help for getting r-cran-bslib packaged would be extremely

Kind regards



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