[R-pkg-team] Bug#1012219: Please adjust StanHeaders to new version of (one)tbb

Benjamin K Goodrich benjamin.goodrich at columbia.edu
Sat Sep 3 17:36:22 BST 2022

Sorry for the late reply. I am told that StanHeaders can be built
successfully with oneTBB by setting environmental variables like
TBB_INC and TBB_LIB. On CRAN, we would like to use the version of TBB
that comes with the RcppParallel package


Although with the next release of StanHeaders we will not be able to
achieve that because not all packages are LinkingTo RcppParallel so we
have to build a similar TBB in the StanHeaders shared object. But on
Debian, if r-cran-rcppparallel switches to oneTBB, then it would be
fine if r-cran-stanheaders, r-cran-rstan, etc. depends on

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