November 2024 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Nov 1 04:39:05 GMT 2024
Ending: Sat Nov 30 23:15:32 GMT 2024
Messages: 750
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-m2r is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-bookdown 0.41+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-memisc MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-nnls 1.6-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-parmigene 1.1.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-segmented 2.1-3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: tagging 1086373, tagging 1086581, tagging 1086577, tagging 1086578, tagging 1023690 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-uwot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scater is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-withr 3.0.2+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom.mixed MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: found 1041099 in 1.9.0-1, closing 1041099
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: found 1034173 in 1.9.0-1, closing 1034173
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: closing 1033112
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: found 1033112 in 1.8.1-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1086215: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Responding to your query
Katie Penix
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-gtable_0.3.6+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gtable_0.3.6+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tmb 1.9.15-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mofa is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-filehash is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tikzdevice is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-coarsedatatools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotationhub is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bioccheck is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocfilecache is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biomart is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biovizbase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-cummerbund is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-decoupler is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degnorm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degreport is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-destiny is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dexseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-edaseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-experimenthub is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genelendatabase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-geoquery is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ggbio is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-goseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gsva is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gviz is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ioniser is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-megadepth is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-monocle is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-multiassayexperiment is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mutationalpatterns is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-netsam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-organismdbi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pfamanalyzer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-progeny is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rgsepd is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rwikipathways is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-spatialexperiment is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-titancna is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-txdbmaker is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tximeta is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-adegenet is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-adephylo is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-aer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-afex is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-alakazam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-bayesplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-benchmarkme is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-benchmarkmedata is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-brms is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom.helpers is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-caret is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cmstatr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-covid19us is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cubelyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cutpointr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dbplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-diagrammer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dials is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dtplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dynlm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-emayili is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-epi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-epiestim is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-factoextra is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-factominer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-geepack is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggalluvial is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggally is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggfortify is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggpubr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggstats is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggvis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gprofiler2 is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-haplo.stats is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-heatmaply is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-labelled is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-latte is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mcmcpack is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-metap is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mice is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mixtools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-modeldata is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-modelr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mpoly is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ncmeta is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pammtools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-patrick is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pec is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-phylobase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-plotly is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-popepi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-prophet is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-psychometric is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-purrrlyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-qgraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-randomglm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rdflib is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-recipes is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-relsurv is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-riskregression is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ritis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rnexml is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rsample is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rstanarm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rstatix is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sctransform is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-semplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-shazam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-shinystan is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sjmisc is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-skimr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-solrium is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-survminer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-systemfit is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-taxize is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tcr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tfisher is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-themis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidygraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidytext is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidyverse is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tigger is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-treespace is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-vcdextra is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-vim is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-webgestaltr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wgcna is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikidatar is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikitaxa is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-curvefdp is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-disgenet2r is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-kcha-psiplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom.mixed is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-xfun_0.49+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-xfun_0.49+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1072630: Help needed on providing the en_US locale in autopkgtests
Charles Plessy
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1072630: Help needed on providing the en_US locale in autopkgtests
Guilhem Moulin
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-dplyr_1.1.4-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dplyr_1.1.4-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-wgcna_1.73-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wgcna_1.73-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Elevate Your Online Presence with
Katie Penix
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcwl REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.base_1.4.2+ds-4_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.base_1.4.2+ds-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1086904: RM: r-bioc-alabaster.base r-bioc-alabaster.matrix [s390x] -- ROM; big-endian archs are not supported by upstream
Michael R. Crusoe
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.matrix_1.4.2+ds-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.matrix_1.4.2+ds-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: Bug#1082295 marked as pending in r-bioc-dropletutils
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dropletutils_1.24.0+ds-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dropletutils_1.24.0+ds-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1082295: marked as done (r-bioc-dropletutils: autopkgtest failure on riscv64)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] [bts-link] source package src:r-cran-dplyr
debian-bts-link at
- [R-pkg-team] Elevate Your Online Presence with
Katie Penix
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcwl 1.20.0+ds-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gtable 0.3.6+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-xfun 0.49+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] WohlfahrtKG-2267-001
Amanda Wilson
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcwl is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wgcna 1.73-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tcgabiolinks_2.32.0+dfsg-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tcgabiolinks_2.32.0+dfsg-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Elevate Your Online Presence with
Katie Penix
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wgcna is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dropletutils 1.24.0+ds-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1087240: r-cran-spacetime: autopkgtest regression in testing
Graham Inggs
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1087241: r-cran-ggstats: autopkgtest regression in testing
Graham Inggs
- [R-pkg-team] Okirikiri: the protocol that changes your life
- [R-pkg-team] professional rotor & stator stamps manufacturer in China
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1059317: marked as done (r-cran-jsonlite: CVE-2023-33460)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-pbdzmq_0.3.13+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pbdzmq_0.3.13+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dplyr 1.1.4-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pbdzmq 0.3.13+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tcgabiolinks 2.32.0+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-rdpack_2.6.2-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rdpack_2.6.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tcgabiolinks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ihw is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-lpsymphony is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scater REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rdpack 2.6.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-uwot REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gganimate is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-spacetime is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1087826: r-bioc-rhdf5: FTBFS with HDF5 1.14: ‘H5I_REFERENCE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
Gilles Filippini
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gganimate REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-m2r is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-filehash REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tikzdevice REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-knitr_1.49+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-knitr_1.49+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-waldo_0.6.1-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-waldo_0.6.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocgenerics_0.52.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocgenerics_0.52.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-affxparser_1.78.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-affxparser_1.78.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-aroma.light_3.36.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.schemas_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocfilecache_2.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocparallel_1.40.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocversion_3.20.0-1~0exp0_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.schemas_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-aroma.light_3.36.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocfilecache_2.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocparallel_1.40.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocversion_3.20.0-1~0exp0_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata_1.2.13-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata_1.2.13-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-matrixgenerics_1.18.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-limma_3.62.1+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-preprocesscore_1.68.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-zlibbioc_1.52.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ctc_1.80.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocbaseutils_1.8.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-decontam_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dir.expiry_1.14.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocbaseutils_1.8.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ctc_1.80.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-limma_3.62.1+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-matrixgenerics_1.18.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-preprocesscore_1.68.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-zlibbioc_1.52.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ebseq_2.4.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dnacopy_1.80.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-decontam_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dir.expiry_1.14.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dnacopy_1.80.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ebseq_2.4.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-modeldata is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mixtools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mice is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-metap is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mcmcpack is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ncmeta is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-latte is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-labelled is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ihw REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pammtools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-lpsymphony REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-heatmaply is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-haplo.stats is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gprofiler2 is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggvis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggstats is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggpubr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggfortify is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggally is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ggalluvial is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-geepack is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-factominer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-factoextra is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-epiestim is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-epi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-emayili is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dynlm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dtplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-patrick is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-pec is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-semplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-modelr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-vim is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-webgestaltr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikidatar is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-wikitaxa is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-curvefdp is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-disgenet2r is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-other-kcha-psiplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dials is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-diagrammer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-dbplyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cutpointr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cubelyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-covid19us is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-coarsedatatools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-cmstatr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-phylobase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-plotly is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-caret is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom.mixed is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-popepi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom.helpers is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-prophet is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-broom is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-brms is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-benchmarkmedata is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-benchmarkme is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-bayesplot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-alakazam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-afex is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-aer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-adephylo is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-psychometric is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-adegenet is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tximeta is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-txdbmaker is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-titancna is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-spatialexperiment is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rwikipathways is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rgsepd is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-progeny is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pfamanalyzer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-organismdbi is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-netsam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mutationalpatterns is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-multiassayexperiment is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-purrrlyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-qgraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-monocle is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mofa is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-randomglm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-megadepth is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ioniser is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gviz is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gsva is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-goseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rdflib is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ggbio is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-geoquery is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genelendatabase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-recipes is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-experimenthub is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-relsurv is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-riskregression is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-edaseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dexseq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-destiny is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degreport is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degnorm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-decoupler is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-cummerbund is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biovizbase is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biomart is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocfilecache is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bioccheck is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotationhub is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ritis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rnexml is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rsample is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rstanarm is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rstatix is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sctransform is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-mpoly is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-shazam is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-shinystan is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sjmisc is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-skimr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-solrium is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-survminer is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-systemfit is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-taxize is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tcr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tfisher is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-themis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidygraph is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidyr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidytext is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tidyverse is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-tigger is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-treespace is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-vcdextra is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-gypsum_1.2.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gypsum_1.2.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-hilbertvis_1.64.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell_1.26.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-hilbertvis_1.64.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell_1.26.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-impute_1.80.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-mergeomics_1.34.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-lpsymphony_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-metapod_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-pfamanalyzer_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-qvalue_2.38.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-protgenerics_1.38.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-impute_1.80.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-lpsymphony_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mergeomics_1.34.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-metapod_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pfamanalyzer_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rhdf5lib_1.28.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rwikipathways_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-protgenerics_1.38.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-qvalue_2.38.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rhdf5lib_1.28.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rwikipathways_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-seqlogo_1.72.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tcgabiolinksgui.data_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-stringdb_2.18.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tximport_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-seqlogo_1.72.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tximportdata_1.34.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-stringdb_2.18.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tcgabiolinksgui.data_1.26.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tximport_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tximportdata_1.34.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-affyio_1.76.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biobase_2.66.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-basilisk.utils_1.18.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocstyle_2.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-affyio_1.76.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-basilisk.utils_1.18.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biobase_2.66.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dupradar_1.36.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocstyle_2.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-chemminer_3.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-edger_4.4.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-decoupler_2.12.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-graph_1.84.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ihw_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-snpstats_1.56.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rhdf5filters_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rhtslib_3.2.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-s4vectors_0.44.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-chemminer_3.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-decoupler_2.12.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dupradar_1.36.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-edger_4.4.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-graph_1.84.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ihw_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-wrench_1.24.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-sparsematrixstats_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rhdf5filters_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rhtslib_3.2.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-s4vectors_0.44.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-snpstats_1.56.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-sparsematrixstats_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-wrench_1.24.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-affy_1.84.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-all_1.48.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-basilisk_1.18.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocio_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-affy_1.84.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-bladderbatch_1.44.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-eir_1.46.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-all_1.48.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-basilisk_1.18.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocio_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bladderbatch_1.44.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-eir_1.46.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-fmcsr_1.48.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-geoquery_2.74.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-golubesets_1.48.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-hypergraph_1.78.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-fmcsr_1.48.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-geoquery_2.74.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-golubesets_1.48.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-metagenomeseq_1.46.0-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-multtest_2.62.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-iranges_2.40.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-noiseq_2.50.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-s4arrays_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-pcamethods_1.98.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-progeny_1.28.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-qusage_2.40.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-hypergraph_1.78.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-iranges_2.40.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-metagenomeseq_1.46.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-multtest_2.62.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-noiseq_2.50.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pcamethods_1.98.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-s4arrays_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-progeny_1.28.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-qusage_2.40.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-xvector_0.46.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rbgl_1.82.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rots_1.34.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rbgl_1.82.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-xvector_0.46.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ucsc.utils_1.2.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rhdf5_2.50.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rhdf5_2.50.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rots_1.34.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ucsc.utils_1.2.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocviews_1.74.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biomformat_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.base_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.base_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocviews_1.74.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biomformat_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-scaledmatrix_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-complexheatmap_2.22.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-densvis_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-consensusclusterplus_1.70.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial_1.48.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-complexheatmap_2.22.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-consensusclusterplus_1.70.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-densvis_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scaledmatrix_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-makecdfenv_1.82.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomeinfodb_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rcwl_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomicranges_1.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial_1.48.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomeinfodb_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-makecdfenv_1.82.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomicranges_1.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcwl_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088432: r-cran-bslib: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088433: r-cran-shiny: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088516: r-cran-covr: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088517: r-cran-crosstalk: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088518: r-cran-knitr: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088519: r-cran-pkgdown: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088520: r-cran-plumber: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088527: r-cran-rmarkdown: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088528: r-cran-shinythemes: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088529: r-cran-visnetwork: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-bioccheck_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biostrings_2.74.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bioccheck_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biostrings_2.74.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-monocle_2.34.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.ranges_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-sparsearray_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-altcdfenvs_2.68.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.ranges_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-altcdfenvs_2.68.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-monocle_2.34.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-sparsearray_1.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-annotationfilter_1.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-drimseq_1.34.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-megadepth_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-phyloseq_1.50.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-keggrest_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-pwmenrich_4.42.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-pwalign_1.2.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotationfilter_1.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-drimseq_1.34.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-keggrest_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-megadepth_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-phyloseq_1.50.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pwalign_1.2.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-pwmenrich_4.42.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-qtlizer_1.20.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-qtlizer_1.20.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088546: src:r-cran-commonmark: fails to migrate to testing for too long: fails its own autopkgtest
Paul Gevers
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: src:r-cran-commonmark: fails to migrate to testing for too long: fails its own autopkgtest
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rsamtools_2.22.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rsamtools_2.22.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088598: r-cran-bslib: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to bootstrap-html (v5)
santiagorr at
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088612: src:r-bioc-genomicranges: fails to migrate to testing for too long: triggers autopkgtest failure in r-bioc-variantannotation
Paul Gevers
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: src:r-bioc-genomicranges: fails to migrate to testing for too long: triggers autopkgtest failure in r-bioc-variantannotation
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processed (with 5 errors): Re: r-cran-sf: autopkgtest regression in testing
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-cran-rnaturalearth_1.0.1-1.1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-rnaturalearth_1.0.1-1.1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-delayedarray_0.32.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-delayedarray_0.32.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-assorthead_1.0.0+ds-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats_1.28.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-annotationdbi_1.68.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-beachmat_2.22.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotationdbi_1.68.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-assorthead_1.0.0+ds-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-beachmat_2.22.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats_1.28.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-assorthead_1.0.0+ds-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-residualmatrix_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-assorthead_1.0.0+ds-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-residualmatrix_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-annotate_1.84.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biocsingular_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-annotationhub_3.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-deseq2_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biomart_2.62.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotate_1.84.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-annotationhub_3.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biocsingular_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomicalignments_1.42.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-multiassayexperiment_1.32.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biomart_2.62.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-deseq2_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomicalignments_1.42.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-multiassayexperiment_1.32.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088634: src:r-cran-amap: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest failure on i386
Paul Gevers
- [R-pkg-team] Processed: src:r-cran-amap: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest failure on i386
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcwl is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-waldo 0.6.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-hdf5array_1.34.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.matrix_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-go.db_3.20.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-oligoclasses_1.68.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.matrix_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-go.db_3.20.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-hdf5array_1.34.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-oligoclasses_1.68.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-summarizedexperiment_1.36.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-saturn_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-saturn_1.14.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-summarizedexperiment_1.36.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-singlecellexperiment_1.28.1+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-singlecellexperiment_1.28.1+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.se_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.se_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-degreport_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degreport_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-destiny_3.20.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-destiny_3.20.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-fishpond_2.12.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-experimenthub_2.14.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-experimenthub_2.14.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-fishpond_2.12.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genefilter_1.88.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-geneplotter_1.84.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-gosemsim_2.32.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genefilter_1.88.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-geneplotter_1.84.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gosemsim_2.32.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-gseabase_1.68.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-glmgampoi_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gseabase_1.68.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-htsfilter_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-glmgampoi_1.18.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-netsam_1.46.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-htsfilter_1.46.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-oligo_1.70.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-mofa_1.6.1+dfsg-14_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mofa_1.6.1+dfsg-14_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-netsam_1.46.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-singler_2.8.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rtracklayer_1.66.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-oligo_1.70.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-shortread_1.64.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-scuttle_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tcgabiolinks_2.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-spatialexperiment_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-alabaster.sce_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-arrayexpress_1.66.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-cner_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-bsgenome_1.74.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rtracklayer_1.66.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scuttle_1.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-shortread_1.64.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-singler_2.8.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-spatialexperiment_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tcgabiolinks_2.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dada2_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-deseq_1.39.0-16_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dexseq_1.52.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dropletutils_1.26.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-alabaster.sce_1.6.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-arrayexpress_1.66.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bsgenome_1.74.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-cner_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dada2_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-deseq_1.39.0-16_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dexseq_1.52.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dropletutils_1.26.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-grohmm_1.38.0-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomicfeatures_1.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-gsva_2.0.1+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-gsvadata_1.42.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomicfeatures_1.58.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-grohmm_1.38.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gsva_2.0.1+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ioniser_2.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-rcpi_1.42.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-gsvadata_1.42.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ioniser_2.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-rcpi_1.42.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-scran_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-scater_1.34.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-sva_3.54.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scater_1.34.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scran_1.34.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-sva_3.54.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ballgown_2.38.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-bsseq_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ballgown_2.38.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-bsseq_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Bug#1088701: transition: r-bioc-biocgenerics (r-api-bioc-3.20)
Michael R. Crusoe
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-ensembldb_2.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-edaseq_2.40.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tfbstools_1.44.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-edaseq_2.40.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-ensembldb_2.30.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tfbstools_1.44.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-areal 0.1.8+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-epir 2.0.76+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-exactextractr 0.10.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-geoknife 1.6.11+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-gganimate 1.0.9-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-knitr 1.49+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-ncdfgeom 1.1.6+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sf 1.0-17+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-sftime 0.2-0-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-spatialreg 1.3-1+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-spdep 1.3-5+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-stars 0.6-6-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] r-cran-transformr 0.1.5-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-txdbmaker_1.2.1+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-txdbmaker_1.2.1+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-variantannotation_1.52.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-biovizbase_1.54.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-biovizbase_1.54.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-variantannotation_1.52.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-degnorm_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-dss_2.54.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-degnorm_1.16.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-dss_2.54.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genelendatabase_1.42.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genelendatabase_1.42.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-genomicfiles_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-mutationalpatterns_3.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-genomicfiles_1.42.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-mutationalpatterns_3.16.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-purecn_2.12.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-organismdbi_1.48.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-organismdbi_1.48.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-purecn_2.12.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-scrnaseq_2.20.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-scrnaseq_2.20.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation_1.22.0+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-titancna_1.44.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] Processing of r-bioc-tximeta_1.24.0+dfsg-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-titancna_1.44.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [R-pkg-team] r-bioc-tximeta_1.24.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 23:15:32 GMT 2024
Archived on: Sat Nov 30 23:15:38 GMT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).