[R-pkg-team] New version of r-bioc-bsgenome breaks autopkgtests of r-bioc-variantannotation in testing

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Tue May 8 14:59:34 BST 2018

Hi Andreas,

On 08-05-18 15:50, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Please excuse my ignorance.  I have read your intro on d-d-a but a short
> link how to retrigger a test for a certain package would help.  I checked>
>    https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/r-bioc-variantannotation
> see two links saying "Test in progress" (may be it was automatically
> triggered) - but I have no idea how to force this manually.

Well, that is because tracker.d.o (and qa.d.o) are slow in updating the
excuses generated by britney (Myon already commented on qa.d.o needing
to update some cron jobs). If you want it now, you can find the link in
https://release.debian.org/britney/update_excuses.html or .yaml
(canonical location, but very large page), or with some manual
interaction, find the run_id (number in the URL from the log on ci.d.n)
and add that to https://ci.debian.net/api/v1/retry/<number_here>

>> For background info, I am considering if we can use packages from
>> incoming.d.o somehow, that should solve one of the failure modes with
>> these characteristics. (This is already done in the unstable only
>> testing on ci.d.n).
> Sounds very sensible.  I'm using this in local pbuilder installations
> with good success.

I believe it is sensible, but coding wise it isn't trivial.


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