[R-pkg-team] r-cran-tufte_0.5-1_multi.changes REJECTED

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Fri Aug 2 15:42:56 BST 2019

Hi Andreas,

Quoting Andreas Tille (2019-08-02 11:59:33)
> @Johannes:  I've taken responsibility for the broken dh-make-R script
> and fixed the upload.

thanks a lot for fixing the upload!

> Since I realised that your branch layout did
> not fitted the gbp format we are using I'd strongly recommend to use
>    https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/dh-r/blob/master/scripts/prepare_missing_cran_package
> to create new packages.  It not only creates a repository which is
> conform to what your team mates expect it also saves you a lot of
> time since it will create reverse depends in
>    ../CRAN_prospective
> You could have simply called 
>    prepare_missing_cran_package tufte
> to prepare your package.  Please use this for future packages you
> want to submit.  Please make sure you will use dh-r 20190802 as
> uploaded today to avoid errors in the license.

I'm very puzzled now. I did use prepare_missing_cran_package and the resulting
git repository is exactly what I pushed to salsa.

What could've gone wrong?


cheers, josch
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