[Raspbian-devel] Network config tools ?

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at olgiati-in-paraguay.org
Sun Sep 9 11:40:25 UTC 2012

I may have been spoiled with the Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia set of config tools 
regrouped in MCC, but after installing Raspbian on a RaspberryPi, I find 
myself completely clueless when it come to the network configuration tools: I 
can find nothing in the System Tools menu item, nothing under Internet.

Where are the Debian network config tools ?

Or are the users supposed to configure all through the CLI ?
       It is only by reducing people of flesh and blood to a mere idea
    that one can ignore the will of the majority in the name of democracy
             and institute a dictatorship in the name of freedom.
                                                         -- Richard Pipes
                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

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