Bug#935127: bash: please make the build reproducible

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Thu Oct 15 23:58:03 BST 2020

Hi Matthias Klose,

> >> Bash is one of the few remaining packages in the 'Essential' package
> >> set that remains unreproducible, and this patch has been in the BTS
> >> for over a year now.
> >
> > So, there are now only two packages in the Essential set that are
> > unreproducible. I plan to work on the other package (Perl) shortly,
> > but having Bash fixed in the archive itself would be very welcome
> > and motivating withal.
> really?  No libgcc in the essential set? yes, it would be motivating if you
> would address the GCC issues upstream and not keeping a set of local patches.

Unfortunately I don't understand the hostility of this reply or how
it is relevant to Bash. Perhaps we are talking at cross-purposes. I am
using this page:


… which does not list GCC. I was also not aware that I was keeping
a set of local patches.

However, thank you for resolving this bug in your latest upload; really
really appreciated.

Kind regards,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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