Bug#972559: perl: please make the build mostly reproducible

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Wed Oct 21 15:05:04 BST 2020

Hi Niko,

> Thanks! For some reason I thought this was a wider issue than
> just those files.

No problem. As far as I can tell, the build path issue is limited to
just these files, but as you later allude to, there are still the
usrmerge-related variations (#914128).

> I'm uneasy with using $(CURDIR) as a regexp in sed.  Similar usage in the
> past led to #585678. Given '+' is not special in sed regexps, this is not
> quite as bad, but still not ideal.

An excellent point. A few moments on codesearch.debian.net suggests
that using sed with CURDIR (what is, after all, untrusted input to
some degree) is a fairly common occurrence. I had yet to see an
instance of it causing problems until I saw #585678, however. I have
filed a wishlist bug against Lintian (#972629) as most of these should
straightforward to detect.

An option is to say
>   $(PERL_TO_USE) -pi -e 's/\Q$(CURDIR)\E/.../'
> like we do elsewhere in the rules already.

Good idea, and I've attached an updated patch for completeness.

Looking forward to seeing this land in the archive.

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk
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