Bug#977177: mm-common: reproducible builds: Generated tarball includes user, group and file mode

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at reproducible-builds.org
Sat Dec 12 04:45:09 GMT 2020

Source: mm-common
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: username
X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org

The generated tarball /usr/share/doc/mm-common/skeletonmm.tar.xz
includes user, uid, group, gid and file mode information that may
vary depending on the build environment:


  1 -rw-r--r--···0·pbuilder1··(1111)·pbuilder1··(1111)·······60·2020-09-25·11:54:04.045053·skeletonmm/.gitignore
  1 -rw-rw-r--···0·pbuilder2··(2222)·pbuilder2··(2222)·······60·2020-09-25·11:54:04.045053·skeletonmm/.gitignore

The attached patch fixes this by setting these values consistently
between builds in the python code used to generate the tarball.

If anyone has a better handle on python's tarfile mode handling code, it
might be worth taking a closer look. I'm not entirely sure how the file
modes work in this code (they don't appear to use modes similar to those
used by umask, chmod or python's file functions)... but after some trial
and error and print debugging this seems to work to reproducibly produce
the tarball in mm-common without loosing the execute bit on the one file
that has it.

Thanks for maintaining mm-common!

live well,
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Name: 0001-Set-uid-username-gid-group-name-and-mode-on-files-in.patch
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URL: <http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/reproducible-bugs/attachments/20201211/c2a92b47/attachment.patch>
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