Bug#977425: gnuradio: FTBFS: dh_missing: usr/libexec/gnuradio/grc_setup_freedesktop

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at reproducible-builds.org
Mon Dec 14 23:49:30 GMT 2020

Source: gnuradio
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs
X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org

I was unable to build gnuradio; it would fail with dh_missing finding an
uninstalled usr/libexec/gnuradio/grc_setup_freedesktop.

The attached patch fixes this by installing the file in the gnuradio
package, if that seems like an appropriate place for it.

That said, I'm not entirely sure what triggers the issue; the buildds
seem to build gnuradio fine and it also seems to build fine on the
reproducible builds infrastructure. Maybe it is a very recent change in
one of the build dependencies? I've rescheduled a build on
tests.reproducible-builds.org to see if it triggers the issue.

live well,
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Name: 0002-gnuradio-install-usr-libexec-gnuradio-grc_setup_free.patch
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