golang-gonum-v1-plot: please make the build reproducible
Chris Lamb
lamby at debian.org
Mon Mar 1 13:08:03 GMT 2021
Hi Nilesh,
(Just to say that I did not see your two emails until now; the bug
submitter does not automatically receive emails sent directly to the
bug email address — one should either CC them directly or use the
968045-submitter@ alias too.)
> Thanks again, but unfortunately this patch breaks the autopkgtests :/
> The only way to make it reproducible and allow testing migration would
> be to disable the tests.
As I understand the problem:
* The data underneath /testdata/ has non-deterministic data (PDFs)
* The patch prevents /testdata/ from being installed in the binary
* The autopkgtests fail as they require this test data.
> What do you think would be better? Please let me know.
Interesting choice of trade-off. Would it be possible for the
autopkgtests to build the test data at "autopkgtest time"?
Alternatively, do we need these PDFs? We could ship the testdata
directory but not ship the .pdf files?
The other, nicer solution could be to patch fpdf to use the
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable if it exists. This would seem
quite straightforward to do, actually -- this is fpdf.go from the
"golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf" source package:
// returns Now() if tm is zero
func timeOrNow(tm time.Time) time.Time {
if tm.IsZero() {
return time.Now()
return tm
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
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