Bug#1064506: geophar: please make the build reproducible

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Fri Feb 23 12:01:06 GMT 2024

Source: geophar
Version: 18.10+dfsg1-2
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch
User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: timestamps
X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org


Whilst working on the Reproducible Builds effort [0], we noticed that
geophar could not be built reproducibly.

This is because, whilst it does seed the `date_version` string in
version.py with the latest date in debian/changelog, it does not
account for the timezone of the build system.

A patch is attached that adds --utc to the date(1) invocation.

 [0] https://reproducible-builds.org/


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
-------------- next part --------------
--- a/debian/rules	2024-02-23 11:43:47.296787587 +0000
--- b/debian/rules	2024-02-23 11:58:50.431911540 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 	  sed -i 's%https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML%http://localhost/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js%' $$f; \
 	# modify the version number
-	date=$$(date --date="@$$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Timestamp)" +"(%Y, %-m, %-d)"); \
+	date=$$(date --utc --date="@$$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Timestamp)" +"(%Y, %-m, %-d)"); \
 	version=$$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version); \
 	fileToChange=debian/geophar/usr/share/geophar/wxgeometrie/version.py; \
 	echo version = $$version, date_version = $$date; \

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