Bug#1067850: src:kget: possible Salsa-CI reprotest misconfiguration.

James Addison jay at jp-hosting.net
Wed Mar 27 16:28:07 GMT 2024

Source: kget
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org
User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: buildpath

Dear Maintainer,

The Salsa CI configuration for kget sets customized[1] command-line options for
'reprotest'[2], a utility used to find package reproducibility problems.

Unfortunately, I think that the configured SALSA_CI_REPROTEST_ARGS arguments
may be incorrect; the provided arguments _appear_ intended to disable
build-path variance, but I believe that they unintentionally disable _all_
forms of reprotest variance testing.  Please refer to this Reproducible Builds
mailing list thread for more information:


I'd recommend removing the SALSA_CI_REPROTEST_ARGS line entirely -- which
in isolation could cause Salsa-CI reprotest to fail, due to a build-path
bug reported in #1003914 -- but also then applying the patch from that
bugreport to confirm and solve the problem.

If that is undesirable, then as an alternative I could suggest configuring:

  SALSA_CI_REPROTEST_ARGS: '--variations=all,-build_path'

(please note that there are _two_ changes in this line; the insertion of 'all'
and adjustment of 'build-path' to 'build_path')

...to enable all forms of variation, with the exception of buildpath.

Thank you,

[1] - https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/kget/-/blob/c3b261bd0d740cdd89c8d06e05eb238cb746fe3d/debian/salsa-ci.yml#L7

[2] - https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reprotest

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