[Reproducible-builds] How to help out sorting logs?

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at debian.org
Fri Feb 14 23:42:25 UTC 2014


It looks like I won't be able to move reproducible builds forward very
much for the next two weeks.

One thing that I wanted to was to document how to setup an environment
and then the procedure to see if a package can be rebuilt identically
despite variations. Unfortunately, it won't be for today.

Instead, I figure it's still worth sending an email sharing how I do it
for the time being:

I have a sid chroot. It's handled by schroot. In that chroot, I have
installed binutils, dpkg, and debhelper as available at:

Then, when I want to checkout a package, here's how I usually do it:

    # apt-get build-dep haskell-setenv
    $ mkdir -p haskell-setenv/r1
    $ apt-get source haskell-setenv
    $ cp -a . ../r2
    $ cd haskell-setenv*
    $ debuild
    $ cd ../r2/haskell-setenv*
    $ DEB_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s -d"$(sed -n -e 's/^Date: //p' ../../r1/*.changes)") debuild
    $ cd ../..
    $ ../misc/diffp r1/*.changes r2/*.changes

This produces a variation of build path and system clock, just like the
large rebuild.

For `diffp`, see:

Hope that's clear enough.

I have been keeping notes about the results on:

Attached is the list of reasons for failures that have been identified
through the scripts in `sort-logs` in the misc git repository.

Picking a random package and trying to understand why it's not
reproducible usually takes me around 3 to 30 minutes. It's sometimes a
relaxing pause. Try it! ;)

Lunar                                .''`. 
lunar at debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 
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