IBM Mainframe users

Audrey Linden audrey.linden at
Thu Oct 20 16:42:01 UTC 2016




Would  you be interested in reaching out to "IBM Mainframe Users List" with
opt-in verified contact information? 


We have recently released a verified contact database of IBM System z13, IBM
System z Mainframe, IBM ES/9000, IBM 3090, IBM 3084 and Hitachi Mainframe.




*	Contains email address, postal address and phone numbers along with
first and last name, company address, SIC code, and web address.


*	Data is validated every 90 days through tele-verification


*	Reach top level executives: C- & V-level executives, managers, sales
head, senior executives, sales and  marketing executives, and others


*	Regular data updates


*	Flexible pricing plan based on your needs


Hit reply and send in your target criteria accordingly I can provide you
with counts and a few demo samples to prove the accuracy of our data.

Look forward to your prompt response!


Best Regards,

Audrey Linden


Disclaimer: If you are not interested in receiving our e-mails then please
reply with a "REMOVE" in the subject line and mention all the e-mail
addresses to be removed with any e-mail addresses, which might be diverting
the e mails to you. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


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