misleading timestamps in binnmus

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Thu Nov 10 14:12:24 UTC 2016


Quoting Niko Tyni (2016-11-10 10:01:38)
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 10:34:33AM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > can someone please point at a real life/archive example of such a file?
> > (a binNMU .changes file with Binary-Only-Changes field…)
> That's in the .buildinfo file (not .changes), and I don't think they are
> stored in the archive yet? But just try building a binNMU with sbuild
> and look at the resulting .buildinfo. Something like
>   sbuild --make-binNMU="test rebuild" -m"Niko Tyni <ntyni at debian.org>" --binNMU=2 libxml-parser-perl_2.44-2

if you are using sbuild 0.69.0 or newer, then you do not need to add the
version to the package name as shown above, but you can just pass the source
package name and sbuild will automatically figure out the highest version.

If you don't have $distribution defined in your ~/.sbuildrc, then above call is
missing the -d/--dist option to specify the distribution you want to build for
or at least the -c/--chroot option to know which chroot to use for downloading
the source package.

> To reproduce a binNMU from a .buildinfo file, one would need to parse the
> Binary-Only-Changes field and extract the parts that needs to be passed to
> sbuild. This currently seems rather fragile as noted by Ian in #843773: the
> binNMU version needs to be parsed from the +bX notation, and the message
> needs to be separated from the "Binary-only [...]" text that's hardcoded in
> sbuild and might even change in the future. And then there's the timestamp
> issue where I'll defer to others :)

It seems to me that rather than passing all these values as individual options
to sbuild, there should be a way to pass the whole changelog entry all at one.
For example, imagine that sbuild at some point changes the "Binary-only
non-maintainer upload..." message. Or imagine other package builders supporting
binNMUs like pbuilder using a different message. Unfortunately, it's tricky to
pass multi-line values as a command line option.

But maybe this feature is only required when having a .buildinfo file available
anyway, in which case, sbuild would have access to the Binary-Only-Changes
field by just giving it the .buildinfo file.  But if we go that way and let
sbuild accept the .buildinfo file directly, then that would make efforts like
the debrebuild.pl script, which is just a wrapper to sbuild and other package
builders (see #774415), impossible. It would then be required to move the
debrebuild machinery directly into sbuild (and any other package builder which
wants to be able to test-rebuild a given .buildinfo file).


cheers, josch
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