Reproducible Builds Hackathon Hamburg 2017, May 5-7

Holger Levsen holger at
Thu Mar 9 20:26:12 UTC 2017


with some more delay, there's finally a wiki page announcing the hackathon:

It should have all the information needed, so I wont repeat much here, except
the very basic:

when: 2017, May 5-7
where: Hamburg, Germany, inside+outside the CCC Hamburg hackerspace
why: to hack on reproducible builds everyhwere

If you have questions not answered on that wiki page, please ask and I'll try
to answer :)

If you plan to attend, or want, please add your name to that wiki page. And
if you cannot edit that wiki page, because it's in the Debian wiki and you
don't have an account there, please mail me, and I'll happily add you there :)

I've also been wondering whether to add this to
and have to decided to rather quickly (+finally) get this started, using a
Debian wiki page… we can still add it to the webpage at any time.

Further suggestions and help much welcome, especially with getting sponsoring
for the event.

Looking forward to see you in Hamburg! (or elsewhere! :)

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