distributing .buildinfo files (Re: Bad interaction between pbuilder/debhelper/dpkg-buildinfo/dpkg-genchanges and dak on security-master)

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sun Sep 3 00:46:25 UTC 2017

On Sat, 2017-09-02 at 21:48 +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:

> > So I suppose we talk about 13 GB[1] of static content in about 1.7M
> > files. Is that something that could be distributed through
> > static.debian.org if there are concerns around inodes for the main
> > mirrors? Given that they would be accessed mostly rarely[2]?
> > 
> > [1] 7.7kB (75%ile as mentioned in the referenced bug) * 55000 binary
> > packages * 10 architectures * 3 versions - so quite conservatively

I had a quick look at the (currently) 4 systems behind static.d.o and
it looks like they can all take the extra space and inodes. senfter
only has 48GB space left but we can expand the storage there.
mirror-csail only has 64M inodes available, but should be fine.

One concern might be the rsync time for 1.7M inodes, I'm not sure if
our static setup does sites in parallel.

There might be other factors here that I'm not aware of, hopefully
other DSA folks can fill them in.

Are these files going to only be available for the versions of packages
that exist in the archive right now, or is it going to be a historical
archive of all Debian build information forever?
What kind of growth per year are we expecting?

> using static.debian.org seems to be a good idea to me, what would be needed to make
> this happen?

Some patches to files in dsa-puppet to define the service:



> or, we could put them in a git repo instead, and use git.debian.org…

It strikes me as quite a lot of data for one git repo :)


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