Bug#894441: dpkg-buildpackage: SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must ignore bin-nmu changelog entries. Breaks M-A:same

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Thu Apr 5 16:22:38 UTC 2018

On Thu, Apr 05, 2018 at 05:43:58PM +0200, Jean-Michel Vourgère wrote:
> So, during compilation:
> SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must ignore bin-nmu changelog entries
> because it breaks Multi-Arch:same on bin-nmu.
> During dpkg-deb (:
> SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must *not* ignore bin-nmu changelog entries
> because it would break software relying on files mtime.
> Doh!

different ways of parsing debian/changelog to determine S_D_E is a road
to desaster, sorry.

> In https://bugs.debian.org/843773#75 Ian Jackson propose to introduce a 
> BUILD_DATE_EPOCH (= time of sbuild binnmu invocation) be prefered over 
> SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH by dpkg-deb.
> That would work, wouldn't it?

I'm also not convinced this would be a good solution.

Sadly I also don't have another idea than changing the way binNMUs are
done :( Them being no-source-changes-rebuilds with changes to
debian/changelog, which is part of the source, (IMNSHO) is poor design
and the root of this and other problems.

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