Bug#910541: diffoscope: filing bugs on diffoscope is cumbersome for non-Debian contributors

Juan Picca jumapico at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 15:04:39 BST 2018

Hi all.
My way of thinking:

If the program is only for debian, bugs.d.o is a right place to report issues.

If the program aims to a broader audience (multiple distros), the
project repository is the right place to report issues. Also, issues
specific to debian can be filled alternatively in bugs.d.o and later
'sent upstream' the fixes to the project repository.

About the need for create an account in salsa.d.o to report issues, is
the same case in gitlab, github, bitbucket, etc.., the user always
needs to create an account the first time (i don't think that it is

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 7:21 AM Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Dear Chris,
> On Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 10:33:49PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> > (Adjusting severity only because important severity bugs are treated
> > somewhat different in some interfaces, but agree this is more
> > severe than "just another" wishlist entry.)
> I agree, was thinking the same when filing the bug...
> > > - the project on salsa has issues disabled (but would require a login on
> > >   salsa anyway), still filing bugs in a webbrowser is something many
> > >   people want to do today, so I think maybe we should enable issues?
> >
> > No strong objection to the principle except that we would then have
> > some duplication between the two trackers.
> while I do agree that duplication is a problem, I think having bugs not
> filed because "it's complicated" is worse.
> > I'm thinking specifically of those times when I'd like to pick up on a
> > previous issue, but then would need to "mentally merge" two lists of
> > bugs, filtering any potential duplicates, etc.
> we could make the habbit to always file a debian bug and set it
> forwarded to the github issue if we'd agree to use github issues...
> but...
> > > - there is still https://github.com/ReproducibleBuilds but thats empty,
> > >   so noone could file issues there.
> > Well, this one is easily "fixed":
> >   https://i.imgur.com/vXbuKYU.png
> sigh. for two reasons:
> first, I find the style of explaining an issue by the means of a
> screenshot to be, dunno, passive aggressive, or maybe just annoying? its
> definitly not accessable not stored in the bts, and requires everyone
> reading the bts mail to go to a graphical webbrowser (& be online) to
> see what you have done... so for those who have not followed that link,
> Chris deleted https://github.com/ReproducibleBuilds
> second, I was basically suggesting to discuss using the github tracker
> and instead of allowing the discussion you killed it within minutes
> after my report. surely we could recreate the github project again, but
> that would mean everybody again needs to apply to become a member etc.
> I actually would have been in favor of allowing people to report issues
> on github, just because it has 40mio users, which includes most people
> working on reproducible builds, while a.) salsa has a few thousand and
> hardly anyone not involved in Debian and b.) filing bugs via mail (while
> I like it a lot) is something many people dislike.
> But I guess this discussion is academic now. :(
> --
> cheers,
>         Holger
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>                holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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