#774415: devscripts: please add the srebuild wrapper for reproducible builds

Santiago Torres Arias santiago at nyu.edu
Mon Oct 7 19:49:19 BST 2019

Curious, was the srebuild the one as featured in the
debian-rebuilder-setup[1] repository or the upstream one?

I don't think we've faced much build issues on our side...


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/debian-rebuilder-setup

On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 06:03:08PM +0000, Matt Bearup wrote:
> I have to second the issues with srebuild. We invested a lot of time to utilize this tool in our rebuilds but faced consistent build failures.
> The best explanation I could find was that the snapshots referred to in the .buildinfo files had expired. That's not conclusive (the output wasn't clear on the cause of failure) nor is expired repo metadata the fault of srebuild per se. But the issue was nonetheless a blocker.
> PBuilder is the most consistent build tool we've seen thus far, will have to investigate debrebuild as well.
> Matt Bearup
> Software Developer – CEH, CISSP, GCUX
> Microsoft Azure  Compute Linux
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