Re: Bug#974087: Updating dpkg-buildflags to enable reproducible=+fixfilepath by default

Chris Lamb lamby at
Wed Dec 16 09:13:03 GMT 2020

Guillem Jover wrote:

> > Yes, that's my view too. I had the patch queued in dpkg for my next
> > push, but I've pulled it out for now given the raised concern, but
> > I'm not seeing a very strong case here to not include it again TBH.
> Ok, I'm doing this now and will reinstate the patch into the queue to
> be part of my next push.

Thanks for the update. Out of interest, will this be an upload to
unstable or experimental? Very much forward to seeing this, however it

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at 🍥

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