Bug#1068705: diffoscope crashes on libscout 2.3.2-3 build on unstable but not bullseye

Chris Lamb chris at reproducible-builds.org
Thu Apr 11 01:07:15 BST 2024

Fay Stegerman wrote:

> Salsa is probably better for figuring out what to do next, but I get
> these mails too :)

Oh, hey! o/

> unzip does seem to extract all the files, though it errors out.  Not sure what
> diffoscope should do here.  This is definitely a broken ZIP file.

First; great debugging there, thank you. :)

Okay, separate from your suggestion that a bug should be filed against
libscout with its broken zip file, I think that diffoscope should not
traceback and crash on this particular input. We do this elsewhere with
(most) invalid inputs and it makes a lot of sense here as well.

I'll modify diffoscope tomorrow morning to catch the specific
exception being thrown by Python's builtin zipfile module and add a
suitable message as a user-visible 'comment' — again, something we have
plenty of prior art for elsewhere in the codebase. Thanks again.

Best wishes,

    ⬋   ⬊      Chris Lamb
   o     o     reproducible-builds.org 💠
    ⬊   ⬋

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