Bug#1068809: Any reason to (Build-)Depend from dh-buildinfo in ecbuild?

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 12:24:02 GMT 2024

Maybe the usual ddlist posting on debian-devel + draft of MBF wording;
some people are very quick and will fix anything they can on the very same day;
and then MBF in a few days. (with severity = ?)

I fixed 5 packages just now.

Le mer. 27 nov. 2024 à 13:12, Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> a écrit :
> I certainly wouldn't mind anyone doing this.
> (I also doubt many people would see and act on this warning. dh-buildinfo
> was practially useless the last 8 years and noone noticed or acted.)

> > This would gives time to maintainers to fix the issue before a MBF.
> And whats the real benefit of this? I mean, MBF is a mass bug filing,
> and yeah, a package would receive one less bug report. (Which I see as a
> small benefit, but not a real benefit, which would block *me* from
> filing 311 bugs now^wsoon.)

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