[sane-devel] Epson 1640US and Sane 1.0.5

Karl Heinz Kremer khk@khk.net
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:17:46 -0000


do you have an USB adapter in your computer? If so, could you try 
it with USB so that we can rule out a problem with the backend (which
is very unlikely because others have reported success with this 

What kind of error message do you see on the console? Is the SCSI
bus terminated correctly? Which Adaptec card are you using? Are there
other devices on the SCSI bus besides the scanner?

Karl Heinz

Roy Murphy <murphy@panix.com> said:

> I'm now on my third scanner with Sane.  The Mustek and Umax scanners I've 
> have bit the dust and I'm on to a new Epson which I bought becuase a web 
> indicated that they have helped with development.
> I'm using the SCSI interface with an Adaptec card and kernel 2.2.19.  I 
> compiled and installed Sane 1.0.5.
> Up to 300dpi resolution, things seem to work well.  Above this resolution, 
> data coming back into Gimp is garbled.  I've seen my image with a ghostly 
> off to one side.  I've seen individual lines of garbled data intersperced. 
> At the highest resolutions, there are data transfer errors for which I need
> to rmmod and insmod the SCSI drivers.
> I'm willing to do any kind of testing to try to get higher resolutions 
> -- 
> Roy Murphy      \ CSpice -- A mailing list for Clergy Spouses
> murphy@panix.com \  http://www.panix.com/~murphy/CSpice.html
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