[sane-devel] sane-find-scanner vs. scanimage --list-devices?

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at meier-geinitz.de
Sun Nov 11 14:56:02 GMT 2001


in addition to Peter's comments:

On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 03:00:19AM -0600, Steven Lembark wrote:
> The Sane and HP FAQ's seem to imply that anything the finderizer
> can locate whould be found identically by scanimage --list-devices.

The only thing sane-find-scanner does is to send a SCSI inquiry
command to all SCSI devices and put out information about all devices
of type "scanner" and "processor". It will find any SCSI scanner.

scanimage -L will only find scanners supported by a backend. If it
doesn't find a scanner that is supported there may be a configuration

>    root at dizzy:bin # ./sane-config --prefix
>    /opt/sane/1.0.6/

In this case the config files should be in /opt/sane/1.0.6/etc/sane.d/ .

>    root at dizzy:bin # cat /etc/sane.d/hp.conf <- soft link to
>    /opt/sane/etc/sane.d scsi HP

The link should go to /opt/sane/1.0.6/etc/sane.d .

> None of the FAQ/HOWTO/README files I've gone through so far
> mentions how to deal with this case,

SANE FAQ 5.2 proposes to use "SANE_DEBUG_DLL=255 scanimage -L" to see
if the SANE libraries were found. Check if there are any errors
concerning libsane-hp. If there is no output but the start message of
the dll backend the dll.conf file couldn't be found.

The FAQ also proposes to contact sane-devel :-)

> or where the differences
> in how the two go about it effect the outcome (and there didn't
> seem to be any comments in the source describing this particular
> item). Any suggestions for where to look next?

The output of sane-find-scanner tells about the most obvious: The
scanner is not supported. The other reason I can think of
(installation problem) seems to be less often.

> Note: the FAQ suggested checking man sane_scsi, but this doesn't
> show up anywhere in the file under /opt/sane/1.06/man.

That's a mistake in the FAQ. Try "man sane-scsi". But I don't think
this manual page will help in your case.


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