[sane-devel] more Canoscan fb630u

nathan rutman nathan@gordian.com
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 18:09:19 -0700

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So I just realized that the registers I was painstakingly mapping are 
simply the National LM9830 registers.  Silly me.  Anyhow, here's how 
some of them are used in this scanner.

 Registers: (see lm9830 datasheet.  R = read only)
  	00 - R bulk xfer
  	01 - R Scan buffer level, in kilobytes, plus 1
	02 - R motor status: bit flags
		? 		0x01
		MOTOR_AT_HOME  	0x02
		PAUSE 		0x10 scan buffer is full
		POWERDROP 	0x20 scanner recently plugged in
	03 - gamma table     	: R(00) G(02) B(04)
	     gain/offset table	: R(01) G(03) B(05)
	04 - table direction 	: write(00) read(20)
	05 - dataport addr LSB 	: 00
	06 - dataport (table bulk xfer loc)
	07 - command:
	 	motor forward(01) home(02) start-scan(03)
	 	reset(08) stop-motor(00)
	09 - horizontal resolution / datamode
		low 3 bits = hz dpi divider, dpi = 600/divider
		111=12 110(e)=8 101=6 100(c)=4 010(a)=2 001=1.5 000(8)=1
		dpi 75(1e) 150(1c) 300(1a) 600,1200(18)
		100dpi is identical to 150, 200=300, 400=600.
	1e-f active pixel start (004b)
	22-23 data pixel start.  Units are always 600dpi
	24-25 data pixel end.  Units are always 600dpi
	26 - color mode: greyscale(14) color(15)
	28 - not used
	29 - lamp mode (02)
	2a-2b - lamp pwm
	2c-2f - red light (2 bytes On pixel, 2 bytes Off pixel)
	30-33 - green light
	34-37 - blue light
	45 - full/microstepping: micro(03) 
	46-47 - scan step size 
		dpi 75(0106) 150(020d) 300(041a) 600(0835) 1200(106b) 
	48-49 - fast feed step size 75(0106) 100-1200(0104)
	4a-4b - start skip steps
	4e - max buffer level (as read from reg 01).  Min 03, max 57.
		The scanner will stop moving if the buffer fills, and
		will restart when some data is read out.
	4f - min buffer level - resume scanning at this point.
	50 - reverse steps when buffer full: 75(00) 100-1200(28)	
	52-53 - reverse phase: dpi 75(398a) 150(3198) 300(2184)
		600(0074) 1200(41ac) cal(3594)
	57 - stepper duty cycle: dpi 75(3f) 100-1200(1f)	

- --

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Comment: Exmh version 2.3.1 01/18/2001 (debian 2.3.1-1)
