[sane-devel] fb630u

nathan rutman nathan at gordian.com
Thu Oct 25 20:51:36 BST 2001

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I've gotten a little farther on deciphering the fb630u register meanings. 
My latest code is at

    USB Request code:
        0c - control transfer
        04 - bulk transfer
    USB Value code:
        82 - bulk transfer setup
        83 - EPP address
        84 - EPP read data
        85 - EPP write data
        86 - SPP status (not used on FB360U)
        87 - SPP control (not used on FB360U)
        88 - SPP data
        89 - GLgpioOE, output enable?
        8a - GLgpioRead
        8b - GLgpioWrite
        see also http://home.zonnet.nl/bertrik/hp3300c/hp3300c.htm
        and E3 chipset sane backend

  Registers: (R = read only)
        00 - R bulk xfer
        01 - R Scan buffer level, in kilobytes, plus 1
        02 - R motor status: bit flags
                ?               0x01
                MOTOR_AT_HOME   0x02
                ?               0x10
                MOTOR_UNINIT    0x20
        03 - gamma color: R(00),G(02),B(04)
        04 - gamma direction: write(00) read(20)
        05 - 00 gamma ?
        06 - gamma bulk xfer
        07 - motor/light control:
                motor forward(01) home(02) go-to-pos(03)
                light off(08) on(00)
        09 - dpi 75(ie) 150(1c) 300(1a) 600,1200(18)
                100dpi is identical to 150, 200=300, 400=600.
        22-23 scan start col.  0-position is 0x004b, units are always 600dpi
        24-25 scan end col.  Units are always 600dpi
        28 - not used
        2c-2f - red light
        30-33 - green light
        34-37 - blue light
        45 - 03,13 ?
        46-47 - dpi 75(0106) 150(020d) 300(041a) 600(0835) 1200(106b) 
        48 - 01
        49-4a - dpi 75(0600) 100-1200(0401) cal(0400)
        4b - some fn of dpi and scan size: 75(00) 100-1200(7a) except
                some 300 scans are (7e)
        4e - max buffer level (as read from reg 01).  Min 03, max 57.
                The scanner will stop moving if the buffer fills, and
                will restart when some data is read out.
        4f - 02
        50 - dpi 75(00) 100-1200(28)    
        52-53 - dpi 75(398a) 150(3198) 300(2184) 600(0074) 1200(41ac) 
        57 - dpi 75(3f) 100-1200(1f)    
        58 - 
        69 - 
        70 - 

- --
nathan at gordian.com

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Comment: Exmh version 2.3.1 01/18/2001 (debian 2.3.1-1)


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