[sane-devel] further to the Solaris 'sgen' driver issue with sane/microtek

Craig Dewick cdewick@sunshack.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:50:04 +1000 (EST)


Reading the Microtek backend web page at "http://www.mir.com/mtek" I
noticed a way to get debug info displayed. So I did this and re-ran xsane:

262 craig@lios #----> setenv SANE_DEBUG_MICROTEK 128
263 craig@lios #----> xsane microtek:/dev/scsi/scanner/c6t6d0
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of microtek to 128.
[microtek] sane_init:  MICROTEK says hello! (v0.12.3)
[microtek] sane_init:  config- # Uncomment following line to disable "real
calibration" routines...[microtek] sane_init:  config-
#norealcal[microtek] sane_init:  config- # Uncomment following line to
disable "clever precalibration" routines...[microtek] sane_init:  config-
#noprecal[microtek] sane_init:  config- #   Using "norealcal" will revert
backend to pre-0.11.0 calibration code.[microtek] sane_init:  config-
#scsi * * Scanner[microtek] sane_init:  config-
/dev/scsi/scanner/c6t6d0[microtek] attach_scanner:
[microtek] attach_scanner:  opening /dev/scsi/scanner/c6t6d0
[microtek] attach_scanner:  open failed
[microtek] sane_init:  config- [microtek] sane_get_devices
[microtek] sane_open
[microtek] sane_open:  find device...
[microtek] attach_scanner:  /dev/scsi/scanner/c6t6d0
[microtek] attach_scanner:  opening /dev/scsi/scanner/c6t6d0
[microtek] attach_scanner:  open failed
[microtek] sane_exit...
[microtek] sane_exit:  MICROTEK says goodbye.

I don't know if this says anything useful, but it shows more detail of
exactly what's gone on.

Here is the contents of /dev/scsi/scanner:

268 craig@lios #----> ls -sal /dev/scsi/scanner
total 6
   2 drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         512 Apr  1 14:54 .
   2 drwxr-xr-x   4 root     other        512 Apr  1 14:54 ..
   2 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          65 Apr  1 14:54 c6t6d0 ->



               Craig Dewick. Send email to "cdewick@sunshack.org"
 Point your web client at "www.sunshack.org" or "www.sunshack.net" to access my
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     Sun Ripened Kernels, go to "www.sunrk.com.au" or "www.sun-surplus.com"