[sane-devel] avision driver

Benjie Chen benjie at amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu
Sun Aug 11 21:42:56 BST 2002


i have a HP 5300C, connected to a freebsd machine. i patched the kernel
so it would recognize the scanner with the usscanner driver to do scsi over
usb, instead of the default uscanner driver. however, with the default 
sane installation this still does not work, saying the requested IO buffer
size exceeds DFLTPHYS.

i have been hacking around in sane-backend, mainly in the avision driver.
it got rid of the DFLTPHYS error by changing the "used_lines" variable
in the avision driver so it would provide a buffer that fits within DFLTPHYS.
this apparently was in the code already, but commented out.

the scanner output from xsane is still garbage, however. if you look at the
scaner while it is trying to scan, you see that the light beam never moves
down through the entire scanner. i figure i probably messed something up
after making the previous change in the avision driver.

anyone ran into this problem before? and solutions?



benjie chen
benjie at lcs.mit.edu

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