[sane-devel] ADF through SANE API

Abhishek Nayani nayaniabhishek@gdit.iiit.net
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 01:04:23 +0530


On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 01:03:40PM +0530, Abhishek Nayani wrote:
> >     We have an HP 5194C USB Scanner with ADF facility. Currently
> > we are able to use sane to scan images. How can I enable ADF using the
> > sane API ? I have gone through the sane api manual, but found no specific
> > option for it.
> The SANE standard version 1 doesn't have a well-known option for the
> usage of an ADF. Usually option "source" is used, however. See
> "scanimage --help" for all the options your backends provides for your
> specific scanner.

        I'll try that.... I actually wrote some code to print out all
the options which we get from sane_get_option_descriptor(). It only
showed 3 options, 1)preview, 2)resolution and 3)mode (grey, color etc.). Is this
bad news ?

> By the way, is the scanner supported by the SANE hp backend? I can't
> find it in the list.

        a small correction, its HP 5195C USB. Scanning from normal source seems
to be well supported. Its only the ADF support which needs to be tested. btw, does
anyone else have any experience with this scanner ?

> Bye,
>   Henning

Abhishek Nayani
M.Tech 1/2 (Computer Science)
IIIT Hyderabad (http://www.iiit.net)
Home Page: http://students.iiit.net/~nayaniabhishek/