[sane-devel] Found: why Sane make barfed under RH6.1

john meshkoff johnm at sivakalpa.org
Tue Mar 12 08:20:36 GMT 2002

The error:

sanei_scsi.c: In function `sanei_scsi_req_wait':
sanei_scsi.c:2079: structure has no member named `host_status'
sanei_scsi.c:2080: structure has no member named `host_status'
sanei_scsi.c:2081: structure has no member named `host_status'
sanei_scsi.c:2082: structure has no member named `driver_status'
sanei_scsi.c:2083: structure has no member named `target_status'

The versions of /scsi/sg.h available at the time:

ivan:~$ locate /include/scsi/sg.h
/usr/include/scsi/sg.h.bak	/* the originally installed version */
/usr/src/linux-2.2.12/include/scsi/sg.h	/* originally installed kernel
sources */

Interesting result of detective work on my RH6.1 install; the only
version of sg.h that was incompatible with the Sane make was the one I
re-named as sg.h.bak, which was installed by RH6.1, along with the
kernel, yet the version included under the 2.2.12-20 kernel sources is
compatible, so
are all the others in all the above listed include directories.  So it
like the make barfing on "structure has no member named" is due to the
version of the sg.h file having been installed by RH6.1 in /usr/include,
the correct version having been included by that install under the
2.2.12 kernel sources tree.

	The question was raised to me as to whether my kernel was compiled
against  the updated sg.h file so as to prevent possible weird behavior
by Sane; so I'm wondering, would a kernel compiled from sources, be
compiled against the includes under it's own source tree, or those under
/usr/include?  If the former, then all the kernels above were compiled
against compatible versions, but any program makeing against
/user/include/scsi would have encountered an incompatible version, prior
to my updating of it.

Regards, John

p.s., a google search shows that posts by users  of  "structure has no
member named" errors are fairly common, when trying to build various

John Meshkoff johnm at sivakalpa dot org
"I do not know that I know the self fully;
neither do I know that I know him not" ... from the Upanishads

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