[sane-devel] Implementing calibration (was: CanoScan N1240U is working with plustek backend)

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at meier-geinitz.de
Mon Nov 18 20:59:22 GMT 2002


On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 08:17:34PM +0100, Jaeger, Gerhard wrote:
> thanks for this description, this sheds some light on my problems
> with the CIS devices. Maybe I'm now able to tweak the exisiting
> code that way, that it's usable with the Canon devices...
> Shouldn't we try and create/provide a library function for this?
> Gerhard

I'm not sure if it really makes sense. The biggest part of the
calibration code is a) actually getting the scan-lines and b)
calculate the change of offset/gain. I guess both are pretty much


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