[sane-devel] Epson Perfection 2450 Photo

Karl Bellve Karl.Bellve@umassmed.edu
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:39:11 -0400

I just bought this scanner to work with our Linix workstations but I am
having trouble getting XSane to see it. This is on a Redhat 7.3 system
with the default RPM installs.

sane-find-scanner returns that it finds a scanner on /dev/usb/scanner0
with vendor=0x4b8 and product=0x0112.

I modifed /etc/sand.d/epson.conf to reflect /dev/usb/scanner0

I modifed /etc/modules.conf with an options scanner vendor=0x4b8

scanner module is loaded.

Scanner is detected on the USB bus, shown via dmesg.

I get error messages in dmesg with the following:

scanner.c: openscanner(x): Unable to access minor data

X is a number from 1 to 15.


Karl Bellve, Ph.D.                   ICQ # 13956200
Biomedical Imaging Group             TLCA# 7938 		
University of Massachusetts
Email: Karl.Bellve@umassmed.edu
Phone: (508) 856-6514
Fax:   (508) 856-1840
PGP Public key: finger kdb@molmed.umassmed.edu