[sane-devel] Epson Perfection 2450 Photo

Karl Bellve Karl.Bellve@umassmed.edu
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:07:27 -0400

I got it working. I had to upgrade to a more recent sane-backend than
what came with Redhat 7.3.

sane-backends-1.0.7-6.1.i386.rpm fixed the problem. 

sane-backends-1.0.7-6.i386.rpm ships with Redhat 7.3

The only other thing is that XSane/Sane reports the scanner as a GT-9700
instead of a Perfection 2450 Photo.

Oh, I love the ability to do remote scans! I have set all our linux
workstations so that they can use the scanner as well.

Karl Heinz Kremer wrote:
> Are the messages the only problem? What happens when you start xsane
> (or xscanimage or scanimage)?


Karl Bellve, Ph.D.                   ICQ # 13956200
Biomedical Imaging Group             TLCA# 7938 		
University of Massachusetts
Email: Karl.Bellve@umassmed.edu
Phone: (508) 856-6514
Fax:   (508) 856-1840
PGP Public key: finger kdb@molmed.umassmed.edu