[sane-devel] Using VMWare to create backend for Visioneer 6200

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at meier-geinitz.de
Thu Oct 10 09:26:04 BST 2002


On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 06:26:18AM -0600, Michael G. Manry wrote:
> The only thing that is keeping me chaned to Micro$oft is my USB
> Visioneer 6200.  Linux sees it, reports it is there, but no SANE
> backend.  I installed Windows 98 into VMWare running in Linux, and it
> (along with the scanning software I installed) works with the scanner. 
> Can I just monitor the USB port in Linux to see what handshaking, etc
> goes on and use this information to create a backend?

Find out, how vmware connects to the USB port. I guess it uses the
Linux kernel usbdevfs devices (like /proc/bus/usb/001/001). In this
case you should be able to add some logging to the kernel
(linux/drivers/usb/devio.c). They may also use their own
(binary-only?) kernel module. Then it may be necessary to add printks
to the lower level USB drivers in the kernel. I never did that, however.

> I'm not up to speed on either USB protocol or SANE backends, but if this
> is a good direction to resolve the scanner issue I'll learn.

With Windows itsself, you can run usbsnoopy. I don't know if this also
works with Windows-in-VMWare.

When you have some logs or even code, please tell us so we can add you
and your scanner to the PROJECTS list.


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