[sane-devel] gphoto2 backend

Bob Lockie bjlockie at lockie.ca
Wed Oct 16 20:23:04 BST 2002

Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 02:19:02PM -0400, Bob Lockie wrote:
>># scanimage -L
>>shouldn't the gphoto2 backend call an exit function?
>>[dll] load: searching backend `gphoto2' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
>>[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/libsane-gphoto2.so.1'
>>[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/libsane-gphoto2.so.1'
>>[dll] init: initializing backend `gphoto2'
>>[gphoto2] ERROR: Bad parameters
>sane_init of gpohoto2 return a status other than SANE_STATUS_GOOD I
>suppose. So the backend wasn't initialized correctly. It's not allowed
>to call any other SANE function in this case. To be exact: if you do,
>the behaviour is undefined.
>I have no idea, why gphoto2's sane_init fails, however.

# xscanimage gphoto2:/dev/tts/0
[gphoto2] sane_init: error: Nikon CoolPix 800 is not a valid camera 
type.  Use "gphoto2 --list-cameras" for list.
bob sane-backends # gphoto2 --list-cameras
Number of supported cameras: 267
Supported cameras:
        "Nikon CoolPix 800"

I've tried the camera= in /usr/local/etc/sane.d/gphoto2.conf with and without guotes.

I also have port=serial:/dev/tts/0 in /usr/local/etc/sane.d/gphoto2.conf

gphoto2 --list-ports
Devices found: 3
Path                             Description
serial:/dev/tts/0                Serial Port 0
serial:/dev/tts/1                Serial Port 1
usb:                             Universal Serial Bus

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