[sane-devel] smp usb and hp office jet g85 not a good combination

Brent Hasty blueeagle1 at crosswinds.net
Mon Oct 28 23:21:14 GMT 2002

I have went throught quite a bit of grief trying to get a  hp office jet g85 
running on usb on my dual athlon liquid cooled terminal server.  Causes real 
erratic stability issues.  Most of the time when booting into smp mode with 
the g85 plugged into usb, the machine will lock just after having finished 
loading KDM. In fact this is about the worse lock I have ever had, not even 
the <Left-alt> <prnt-scrn> <r>, <s>, <e>, <i>, <u>, <b> works to safely 
shutdown unmount and reboot the system.  It has been a long time since I have 
had to use the reset button. (ecept on a windows box)

A little research has revield that the smp usb problem is a known kernel 
issue. I hope things are made to work better in the 2.5 seriese kernels.

I will be building a uniprossesor print server to handle this g85 printer on 
our network for the above mentioned reasons.

Unfortunate because the g85 is a multifunction device and i really wanted to 
handle the scanning locally on the higher power machine.  the smp is a lot 
better at converting images from the raw format the scanner puts out.

I am open to suggestions if anyone has a solution.

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