[sane-devel] SANE Rocks!!!
Allen Ziegenfus
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 21:59:04 -0500
May I say that SANE rocks?
I just wanted to thank everyone who works on this project, because it's
made me very happy.
I just bought a Canon LiDE 30 scanner. I needed to scan some documents
so I booted into Windows XP since I figured it would be easier to set up
the scanner there. 15-20 minutes later, the Canon-provided scanning
software had crashed, twice told me that my scanner was "unavailable"
and not given me any good scans. 1200 dpi scans were giving me very
fuzzy text on regular text documents.
I was about to return the scanner when I decided to boot into Linux. I
booted Gentoo, emerge'd xsane and about 5-10 minutes later I was
scanning happily. The only slight hitch was that scanimage at first
didn't see the scanner. After reading some documentation and loading the
appropriate kernel modules (modprobe scanner and modprobe usb-uhci, I
believe) I was good to go.
But I couldn't believe that I was able to build SANE *from source* and
get everything working more quickly and much better than in XP.
Long live GNU/ Linux!