[sane-devel] Epson Perfection 1650 w/ RedHat 8.0

Alexander Jolk alexj at buf.com
Thu Dec 18 17:45:41 GMT 2003

Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Usually the v4l (video for linux) backend is linked to
> the frontend when this bug occurs, but it seems to be a differnt one
> in your case. At least the version number is different.
> If the above hint doesn't help, try to find out against which library
> scanimage is linked (ldd). The check which backend it is in reality
> (e.g. strings /usr/lib/sane/libsane.so|grep 'sane_.*_init').

strings /usr/lib/sane/libsane.so.1 | grep 'sane_.*_init'

So, yes, my `scanimage' was linked to v4l too.  (I had suspected
something along these lines because it kept claiming a char-major-81
module in the system logs, which are v4l devices.)  Again, for the
record, this is RedHat 8.0's sane-backends-1.0.8-5.2 and
sane-frontends-1.0.8-4 package.  (Upgrading to Hugo's 1.0.13 as found on
the sane website solves the problem.)


Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
tel +33-1 42 68 18 28 /  fax +33-1 42 68 18 29

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