[sane-devel] ScanJet 7450C, avision-2003-02-08-1127-sane-1.0.10.patch, Redhat 8.0 - inverted images
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:04:28 -0800
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 23:07:37 +0100 (CET)
Rene Rebe <rene.rebe@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> On: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:06:27 -0800,
> TomF <TomF@sjpc.org> wrote:
> >
> > Changing /dev/scanner to link to /dev/usb/scanner0 did not work, so
> > I changed it back to the Redhat 8.0 default: -> /dev/sgf
> The kernel's scanner driver is not used for the USB Avision scanners
> (so /dev/usb/scanner* is not the right device-node).
> Insead the hpusbscsi driver is used to emulate a scsi-device.
How can I determine what driver is being used? How can I configure the
correct driver? I combined the information from several web sites to
do the configuration, but I did not see anything about hpusbscsi related
to the avision scanners.
> > After I rebooted, scanimage worked, but produced a negative image.
> What do you mean with "negative" image? You mean it is "inverted"?
> Which scanmode (lineart, dithered, gray, color) do you use?
Yes, a negative image is an inverted image, i.e. black and white are
interchanged. I tried several scanmodes, and finally found that I could
get a positive, non-inverted image using lineart mode. I sent another
note about this earlier today.
With scanmode gray, at one point I got black on gray images, i.e., the
text was black and the background, that should have been white. was
> > I installed xsane-0.84-8.i386.rpm, but it looked for libraries in
> > /usr/lib while 1.0.10 had put them in /usr/local/lib. I put links
> > in/usr/lib to resolve this.
> >
> > xsane worked, but also produced negative images. I was thrashing
> > around trying to get sane working before I found out about the
> > patch, and I may have changed something and forgot to record the
> > change.
> >
> > It looks like I need a tutorial that describes how to pruduce plain
> > black and white images. Where could I find one?
I would still like to find a tutorial. Do you know where I could find
> - René
> --
> René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
> e-mail: rene.rebe@gmx.net, rene@rocklinux.org
> web: www.rocklinux.org, drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/
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