[sane-devel] recommendations on sane-ready scanners with ADF
Yifang Dai
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:33:14 -0500
On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 08:44:06PM -0500, Peter Santoro wrote:
> I'm looking for recommendations on fast/reliable sane-ready scanners
> which have a reliable (ie. doesn't jam often) ADF (auto document
> feeder). Previous postings tend to indicate that what I'm looking for
We have a bunch of Fujitsu Scanpartner 93GX, they work perfectly with
sane and m3096g backend, including the ADF. We mostly scan in line art
mode, 200 dpi, and it's really fast and handles different paper nicely.
Yifang Dai