[Fwd: Re: [sane-devel] wrong colors]
Christoph Knauer
13 Feb 2003 10:10:42 +0100
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From: eddy_de_greef@tiscali.be
Subject: Re: [sane-devel] wrong colors
To: "Christoph Knauer" <christoph.knauer@web.de>
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Christoph Knauer wrote:
>> I'm not sure, it might be a data transfer problem but as well a bug in
>> the software. There are no wrong placed pixels in the image, only the
>> colors are swappped?
>Only colors swapped. The pixel seems to be all ok, only wrong colors.
>When I stop xsane, and start it again an do a preview without any
>changings e.g. of format all is ok. Now I change the scan /
>preview-area, and sometimes the colors are ok, and sometimes not ok. I
>tried it out with paper-pictures and color-negatives using lightlid-35.
It may be an xsane problem after all. I have seen exactly the same
symptoms with xsane on a Mustek parallel port CIS scanner (for which
I wrote the driver). For me it only happens with resolutions >600 DPI,
and I always thought that it was a bug in the driver.
I can't say I have ever seen it with xscanimage, but I'll try to
investigate a bit further.
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