[sane-devel] help
Manu Pierre et Caro Fauchon
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 20:35:12 +0100
sane-devel-request@www.mostang.com a écrit:
>Send Sane-devel mailing list submissions to
> sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://www.mostang.com/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> sane-devel-request@www.mostang.com
>You can reach the person managing the list at
> sane-devel-admin@www.mostang.com
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Sane-devel digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. Putting a scan into a tiff file (Joachim Backes)
> 2. Cannot use ADF on HP 7450c (George Garvey)
> 3. Re: .fr.po - first snapshot (stef)
> 4. Re: Microtek E3 SCSI scanner under Mandrake 9.0 (Matto Marjanovic)
> 5. Using a Visioneer Strobe XP 100 or Syscan Travelscan 464 with
> SANE (long) (Ted Drude)
> 6. RE: Mustek 600 not detected (edg1@tiscali.be)
> 7. Re: gt68xx: Everything works but scanimage fails (Christoph Bier)
> 8. Re: gt68xx: Everything works but scanimage fails (Christoph Bier)
> 9. Re: compiling SANE with Intel icc (Henning Meier-Geinitz)
> 10. Re: Putting a scan into a tiff file (Henning Meier-Geinitz)
> 11. Slightly off topic, but somewhat germain (Gene Heskett)
>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 15:31:32 +0100 (CET)
>Reply-To: Joachim Backes <backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de>
>Organization: University of Kaiserslautern,
> Computer Center [Supercomputing division]
>From: Joachim Backes <backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de>
>To: SANE-Devel <sane-devel@www.mostang.com>
>Subject: [sane-devel] Putting a scan into a tiff file
>Having problems when using sane with the following components:
> sane-backends-1.0.10
> sane-frontends-1.0.10
> xsane-0.90
>Saving the scanned input into a tiff file will generate a
>corrupt tiff file. This is independent from the scanner
>model and/or scanning gray/color.
>Both "xpaint" or "display" (a part of ImageMagick) abort with
>segmentation violation when opening such a tiff file.
>Joachim Backes
>Joachim Backes <backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de> | Univ. of Kaiserslautern
>Computer Center, High Performance Computing | Phone: +49-631-205-2438
>D-67653 Kaiserslautern, PO Box 3049, Germany | Fax: +49-631-205-3056
>WWW: http://hlrwm.rhrk.uni-kl.de/home/staff/backes.html
>Message: 2
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 06:43:15 -0800
>From: George Garvey <tmwg-sane@inxservices.com>
>To: <sane-devel@mostang.com>
>Organization: inX Services, Los Angeles, CA, USA
>Subject: [sane-devel] Cannot use ADF on HP 7450c
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
> Recent purchase, using hpusbscsi with this command:
>scanimage -d avision:/dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/generic\
> --format=pnm\
> --mode "Line Art"\
> --resolution 300 --speed 0 --preview=no\
> -l 0 -t 0 -x 216 -y 280\
> --brightness -100 --contrast 0\
> --quality-scan=yes --quality-cal=yes --transparency=no\
> --adf=yes --batch --batch-start 1
>Always get ADF empty. Hooked it up to the only Windows computer here
>(98) and the ADF works, so it is apparently installed correctly.
>DEBUG=128 for both DLL and avision attached.
>Content-Type: application/x-gunzip
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="si.out.gz"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 15:47:32 +0100
>From: stef <stef-listes@wanadoo.fr>
>To: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr>
>Cc: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>Subject: Re: [sane-devel] .fr.po - first snapshot
>On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 07:19:33PM +0100, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
>>Hi all!
>>A little bit out of schedule (well, my previous post was too big for thelist,
>>but I _was_ in time!!! ;-] ) are the new french translations! (attached).
>>I have made a small (g)awk script (attached) to check the completeness of
>>.po files. Here are the results (last few lines):
>>[.tmp/umax_pp.c:611](2617) "Sets red channel highlight"
>>[.tmp/umax_pp.c:624](2621) "Sets green channel highlight"
>>[.tmp/umax_pp.c:637](2625) "Sets blue channel highlight"
>>Translated : 520 (92.7%) (of which 7 fuzzy ( 1.3%))
>>Not translated : 41 ( 7.3%)
>>Total : 561
>>Between brackets are the first filename that appears on the last line begining
>>whith "#: " just before the 'msgid' line. The number between parenthesis is
>>the line in the .po where the untranslated 'msgid' appears.
>>Not translated are mainly due to the lack of words for 'dither', and for
>>description of methods, such as 'Bayer 4x4' wich I leaved untouched.
>>What I'm still missing is a good translation for 'highlight'. Anyone?
> I gave the name 'highlight' to this option, because of the specs of the
>scanner. UMAX says that this scanner has shadow/highlight settings. I'm not quite
>the option name is really exact.
> The 'highlight' option increase the dynamic range of the samples. By example,
>if samples for a given color range from 56 ro 180, when 'highlighted', the
>samples will range from 30 to 197. I don't know the right word for it in english,
>but in french I'd call it 'contraste'.
> Stef
>>I'd very much appreciate you french readers review this file, as well as
>>give {missing,better} translations where appropriate.
>>| Yann E. MORIN | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
>>| +0/33 662376056 | Software Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN | ___ |
>>| --==< °_° >==-- °---.----------------: X AGAINST | \e/ There is no |
>>| web: ymorin.free.fr | SETI@home 882 | / \ HTML MAIL | v conspiracy. |
>> \__ np: Portishead - Strangers ______________________________________________/
>Message: 4
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 10:50:23 -0500
>To: pisz@primus.ca
>Cc: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Microtek E3 SCSI scanner under Mandrake 9.0
>From: Matto Marjanovic <maddog@mir.com>
> >with Mandrake 9.0. Anyway, the scanner is recognized under xsane just
> >fine and works almost well, except that it only scans 11" {letter size}
> >area. This is a 13" scanner that support {legal size}. It won't let me
> >change the setting past ~11-1/2" in height. Is there a way to make the
> >scanner scan the whole legal size area?
>It's a bug (in the way that the scanner identifies itself, actually)
> that will be fixed in the next SANE release. (I didn't wake up to it
> until the current release was already in code-freeze.) If you want,
> I can send you a tiny sourcecode patch that will workarond it in the
> meantime.
>-matt m.
>Message: 5
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:32:43 -0600
>To: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>From: Ted Drude <tedd@is.hhsys.org>
>Subject: [sane-devel] Using a Visioneer Strobe XP 100 or Syscan Travelscan 464 with
> SANE (long)
>I would like to get either the Syscan Travelscan 464 or the Visioneer
>Strobe XP 100 working with SANE. Both of these USB scanners seem nearly
>identical and use the LM9832 chip inside. Neither currently has a Linux
>SANE driver (or do they? anyone have more info?)
>When I plug either of these scanners into the USB port on my RedHat 8.0
>system, I can see them using the "lsusb" command. By reading various
>sources, I was able to figure out for the Travelscan 464, specifically,
>that I needed to add the "options scanner 0xa82 0x4600" to /etc/modules.conf.
>After doing that, when I do a "rmmod scanner" and "modprobe scanner" and
>then "lsmod" it says the scanner module is loaded.
>OK, so now I am getting this message when I do a "sane-find-scanner":
># No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure
>that ...[yada yada]
>found USB scanner (vendor=0x0a82 [SYSCAN], product=0x4600 [TravelScan 460])
>at libusb:001:005
># A USB device was detected.
>This program can't be sure if it's really # a scanner. If it is your
>scanner, it may or may not be supported by # SANE. Try scanimage -L and
>read the backend's manpage. ...[yada yada]
>So I need middleware, so I downloaded the latest sane-backend and the
>plustek driver code from the Web page (I started there, because it already
>supports several LM9832 scanners). I did the recommended changes to the
>source code (plustek-devs.c) in order that it would recognize the
>Travelscan. Then I did the make, make install, etc. Everything seemed to
>work OK.
>But now, when I do a "scanimage -L" now, I just get this message:
>No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
>check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
>sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
>which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
>The "sane-find-scanner" command still works as described earlier.
>Someone suggested that I try a "Scanimage -d plustek:usb/dev/usb/scanner0".
>So, I tried that, then I get this message:
>scanimage: open of device plustek:usb/dev/usb/scanner0 failed: Error during
>device I/O
>Any suggestions on what I should try next? Perhaps a different scanner driver?
>Thanks, - Ted
>Message: 6
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:02:04 +0100
>From: edg1@tiscali.be
>Subject: RE: [sane-devel] Mustek 600 not detected
>To: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>>From: Greg Trounson <gregt@maths.otago.ac.nz>
>>To: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>>Subject: [sane-devel] Mustek 600 not detected
>>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:30:36 +1300
>>I am trying to get my evil CIS scanner (Parallel port Mustek 600 CP)
>>running under Linux.
>>According to Eddy DeGreef's page
>>"A new Mustek parallel port backend with the latest CIS driver has been
>>included in the official SANE distribution as of version 1.0.10
>>(February, 2003). There is no more need to patch the official
>>distribution to get a CIS scanner to work. "
>>I downloaded and compiled sane-backend 1.0.10, but was somewhat troubled
>>to find this in the Changelog:
>>"replaced the old mustek_pp backend with
>> version 12-alpha. This version fully supports CIS scanners but
>> removes support for 600dpi CCD scanners and the 300dpi CCD
>> support isn't yet working."
>>This seems to go against what was written at Eddy's site (it seems the
>>'latest version' he is referring to is 1.0.10):
>I don't think this is contradicting. The mustek_pp backend comes
>in two flavours: CIS and CCD. At that point the CIS driver was
>included and CCD driver was added later by Jochen Eisinger,
>still before the 1.0.10 release.
>>Nevertheless, I installed sane, and made the configuration changes
>>outlined at http://www.jkelloggs.dk/en/linux/mustek_pp_cis.htm (sans
>>patches, which I'm told are unnecessary as of sane-1.0.10).
>>Now when I run scanimage -L, I get my LeadTek TV Tuner card as a v4L
>>device, and that's it. No scanner. I comment out the 'v4l' line in
>>/etc/sane.d/dll.conf, and get 'no scanners found'.
>I assume that "mustek_pp" is not commented out.
>>Am I doing something wrong, or has the 600 CIS series been totally
>>disabled in version 1.0.10. If so, what version of sane should I use
>>that does support it?
>It is fully functional as of sane-backends 1.0.10.
>The most likely reason the scanner is not detected is that
>you haven't configured the sane network daemon (see
>Without that daemon, you can only scan a super-user (root).
>Have you tried "scanimage -L" as root ?
>U surft met een klassieke telefoonlijn?
>Bespaar dan nu met Tiscali Complete
>... Meer info over http://complete.tiscali.be
>Message: 7
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:57:50 +0100
>From: Christoph Bier <christoph.bier@web.de>
>To: Julien BLACHE <jb@jblache.org>
>Cc: sane-devel@www.mostang.com
>Subject: Re: [sane-devel] gt68xx: Everything works but scanimage fails
>Julien BLACHE schrieb:
>>Christoph Bier <christoph.bier@web.de> wrote:
>>>- copied the firmware (ps2fw.usb) to /usr/local/share/sane/gt68xx/
>>>- to be sure put firmware "/usr/local/share/sane/gt68xx/ps2fw.usb"
>>> in gt68xx.conf
>>The Debian packages of sane-backends install a /usr/share/sane/gt68xx
>>directory, and this is where the backend will first look for its
>>Maybe I should add this to the README.Debian :)
>Maybe a good idea ;-).