[sane-devel] HP5470c scanner nearly working!
Thomas Soumarmon
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:13:47 +0100
Hi Martijn,
I began about one month ago to do the same work you've done. Unfortunatel=
about 2 weeks after the beginning my spare time reduced a lot, so I must =
that it slowed down a lot, reaching a 0 speed for about 1 month.
There is now a Sourceforge project set up for hp5400 series SANE backend =
I hope you can get some information there.
I think it would be worse you add your work on that project. As you might=
more time than I, would you want to be added as an administrator on that=20
project ?
Another thing. The test program you wrote compiled perfectly and appearen=
worked ok. I email you the log directly.
Have a nice day.
Le Mercredi 19 F=E9vrier 2003 23:52, Martijn van Oosterhout a =E9crit :
> [Please CC any replies so I can more easily find them through the rest =
> my mail. Thanks.]
> I finally got totally sick of waiting for someone to make my scanner wo=
> so I did it myself. The results are on my webpage:
> http://svana.org/kleptog/hp5470/. I'm doing it over USB.
> Situation is:
> 1. It finds the scanner and warms up the lamp
> 2. It performs two calibrations scans like in windows
> 3. Performs the preview scan and dumps it to disk
> This is only a test program, not a backend. Things still to do:
> 1. Actually use results of calibration scans. Anyone who has an idea ho=
> scanners are calibrated, point me at some info, please.
> 2. Do gamma correction. Right now the gamma correction is linear. Again=
> someone who knows the theory would be helpful here.
> 3. Decipher data format. Looks pretty straight forward. R, G, B seperat=
> 4. Work out the parameters for the different scan types (B&W, 24-bit, e=
> 5. Turn it into a SANE backend. Hopefully this will not be hard.
> 6. Make negative/slide addon work.
> Hopefully not far to go now. If anyone can test my code it would be muc=
> appreciated. Note this version produces a *lot* of debug info. Please s=
> it all for bug reports. Thanks.
> I'd like to thank Bertrik Sikken for doing some of the ground work.
> Have a nice day,