[sane-devel] .fr.po - second snapshot - final

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at anciens.enib.fr
Tue Feb 25 21:50:26 GMT 2003

Hi all!

It's been said I'll never respect my own schedule!! :-/

So here are the latest translations for french (attached). A little bit of
improvements thanks to (out of order!) : Stef, Henning and Frank.

So here are the results :
Translated     :  532 (94.8%)  (of which 4 fuzzy ( 0.8%))
Not translated :   29 ( 5.2%)
Total          :  561

I've not been able to reach 95% translated, still one more to pass the barier!
Anyway the 90% translations I planned are overdone!

Henning, will you please apply that one? Thanx!

My small script did undergo small changes as well (attached).

What is the next step in french translations? I plan on getting the .fr.po
from cvs on a regular basis from a cron job, and have it checked against my
small script, and whenever the number of untranslated/fuzzy messages rise
above a certain value, I'll have a mail sent to me telling me :
"Hey boy, move your ass and check the translations for SANE!"

Would a "0 0 1,16 * *"-job be enough?
What would be a sensible high-water level for untranslated messages? (10%?)
And the high-water level for fuzzy translations? (5%?)
How are the fuzzy messages tagged as fuzzy? Subsidiary question : who tags
them as fuzzy?

Is this plan enough?


|  Yann E. MORIN  | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
| +0/33 662376056 | Software  Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN     |  ___               |
| --==< °_° >==-- °---.----------------:  X  AGAINST      |  \e/  There is no  |
| web: ymorin.free.fr | SETI at home  938 | / \ HTML MAIL    |   v   conspiracy.  |
 \__ np: Dire Straits - Lions ________________________________________________/
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