[sane-devel] [ANN] Plustek Backend update V0.45-1

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmx.net
Sun Jan 12 14:56:28 GMT 2003

Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> For the per-scanner status I usually use something like that: "alpha":
> is detected and does scan something, but colors may be completeyl off.
> "beta": works, but maybe not in all modes or up to the highest
> resolution. "stable": everything works.

I think, "alpha" and "beta" a good to describe development states of 
software. For hardware support qualities "Perfectly", "Mostly", 
"Partially", and "Paperweight" are better. The above should be 
translated as as follows:

    stable      -> Perfectly
    beta        -> Mostly
    alpha       -> Partially
    Unsupported -> Paperweight

Then the levels match exactly the ones ones on linuxprinting.org (see 


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