[sane-devel] rference palette for Sane

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at meier-geinitz.de
Wed Jul 23 22:06:57 BST 2003


On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 09:42:37PM +0200, Stefan Schlörholz wrote:
> when operating my scanner (Microtek ScanMaker 35t plus (slide scanner)) 
> under Windows it was possible to scan a Kodak reference slide. Ther was 
> a special reference aquiring mode (including selecting the type of 
> reference slide).

I don't know if there is an automatic way to do that. I've a printed
Agfa reference card. When I want to calibrate a scanner whose gamma
setting doesn't look correct, I just scan that reference print. Most
of the time it's enough to select white, gray and dark point in Xsane
and let XSane change the gamma setting from those parameters.

Sometimes I scan a preview from that card, compare it on the
scarren with the original card and sett the gamma settings so they are

I don't know if that's useful for slide scanners, however.


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