[sane-devel] does order of options for scanimage matter?

Franz Bakan fbakan at gmx.net
Thu Mar 6 23:25:05 GMT 2003


a user reported that 

SCANIMAGE.EXE -d hp --mode Color --resolution 150
--brightness 20 --contrast 40 -l15 -t35 -x60 -y105  > tst.pnm

scans the correct section, but

scanimage.exe -d hp -l 15 -t 35 -x 60 -y 105 --mode
Color --resolution 150 --contrast 40 --brightness 20 > tst1.pnm

does not.

the scanner is a HPIICX3
sane-version 1.0.9
Operating system: OS/2

does order of options for scanimage matter in general or for specific backends?


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